Index of Labels

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Another Day Some Other Changes

Almon Gee marriage to Almira Harriet Littlefield, this marriage never took place.  Almon was not born until after the death of Harriet.

This marriage was deleted.

October 29, 2012 changes to Family Tree.

Martha Brewer Gee 1838-1870 never married in this life.  She was sealed posthumously to Aoret Lucius Little Hale.  This marriage was deleted.

There is a duplicate record in NFS for Martha Brewer Gee. M9TL-TTY This is assuredly the same person, but I have chosen not to combine the record, because the sealing to Spouse was done posthumously in the Logan Temple December 3 1891, the same date as she was sealed to her parents. The name of the spouse is in error and should be Aoret Lucius Little Hale, a neighbor of Lysander Gee's and the man to whom Lysander gave his son Robert to raise after Maryette died. See “Life and Times of Lysander Gee” (unpublished as of this date.

Attached a history of Salmon Gee jr. [Lysander’s brother] to his record.  I checked for duplicates and found a Salmon Heath.  I marked the records as not a match.

Attached a source to the record of Susan Elizabeth Gee the wife of Elam Luddington.  A transcription of his autobiography mentioning his marriage to Susan.  I also found some more descendants of their daughter Adelade that I did not have.  They will be added to my database.

Their daughter Ellen Susan Luddington married Frank Thompson Lincoln and had 4 children.  There were only two listed in Family Tree.  I added one and the other one will be added shortly.  I found Ellen listed in the 1880 census with three children living in Sugar House.  The oldest son George Frank was not listed. My notes indicate that he was “Blessed 5 June 1873  by William Atkinson North Kanyon Ward Record Film # 1035837 FHL
Not in IGI March 2009”
He apparently died before 1880 because he was not listed in the census.  His brother Frank George is listed in the 1880 census as the oldest child.  My notes indicate:
Death Certificate in File The person giving the information was Nancy S. Lincoln 1977 South 11th East.

The information I have about Nancy is from a census. 1910 Census Salt Lake City, Salt Lake Utah

Street location is Eleventh East, which is the same on the death certificate

Lincoln F G, Head, male, white, 37, married 9 years, born Utah, parents born in Utah

Lincoln Nancy, wife, female, 32, married 9 years, 3 children, 3 living children, born Utah, Parents born England

Lincoln Doris, daughter, female, 7 years, single, born Utah

Lincoln, Frank, son, male, 5 years, single, born Utah

Sarah Caroline Gee, Lysander’s sister has 9 possible duplicates.  None of them match.  I marked them all Not A Match.

Lyman Omer Littlefield was an acquaintance of Lysander’s from Farr West. He wrote “Reminiscences”, which was published. A copy is in the Church Historian’s office. He was sealed to Lysander’s sister Sarah Caroline Gee by proxy. "On the 5th day of September 1888 Amanda M. Gee was sealed to Lyman O. Littlefield and on the 6th day of Sept Sarah Caroline Gee was Sealed to Lyman O. Littlefield also Theresa Gee acting for the two girls. Brother M. C. Edlefson Sealing them.who also sealed all for us except those sealed on the 13th who were Sealed by brother M. W. Merrill." Papers of Lysander Gee

Saturday, October 27, 2012

More Corrections

Work done October 26, 2012

Erastus Rowe Gee K2QE-QNQ marriage to Mary Cotton 1700-1776.
This marriage never took place. Mary was dead before Erastus was born.
The marriage was deleted.

Joseph Boyce Andrus marriage to Lydia Rosette French.  Lydia was married to Joseph’s twin brother Benjamin Boyce Andrus.  The children listed for Joseph and Lydia belong to Benjamin and Lydia.  They are partially duplicated in each marriage.
On May 1 2012 I put the following note on Joseph’s record In NFS:
Joseph Boyce Andrus has mistakenly been named Joseph Benjamin Andrus in some of the records attached and combined with this one. Emma Maude Gee is the spouse. The unknown spouse listed here and the four daughters associated thereto do not belong to Joseph. They belong to his brother Benjamin Boyce Andrus. I have contacted New Family Search and they have declined to correct this. I have contacted Roger Bohman who has contributed to this record, but he is unable to edit the relationship. We await the time when we can correct this record.  

Also in the disputes on this record were the following comments:
Relationship to spouse: Lydia Rosetta French Note: Lydia Rosetta French was married to Benjamin Boyce Andrus, the twin brother of Joseph.
1 year ago by TrudaWhitfield1
Relationship to spouse: Lydia Rosetta French Note: Lydia Rosetta French was my Grandmother, and not the wife of Joseph Boyce Andrus. Her husband was Benjamin Boyce Andrus, twin brother to Joseph Boyce Andrus
1 year ago by TrudaWhitfield1

The time has come and this marriage will be deleted.

A second marriage with an unknown spouse lists two children; Margaret Grace and Ruby Jacquetta.  These are the children of Lydia and Benjamin.  This marriage will also be deleted.

The record of Joseph Boyce Andrus and his wife Emma Maude Gee is now correct.

Salmon Gee the father of Lysander was never married to Deborah Reed.  This marriage is deleted.  For some reason the program hung up and would not let me delete the relationship.  I will try again later.  I was successful.

Added the death date for Sarah Watson Crane Gee.

William Gee the father of Zopher and the son of Solomon is linked on NFS and Family Tree as being married to Mary Harwood Barnham.  I have been over this previously, but was not able to get support to correct it.  Her husband was William McGee from Guilford North Carolina.  I am deleting this relationship [William gee to Mary Harwood Barnham]. The program would not let me delete.  I will try again later. I was successful,

Sarah Caroline Gee and Lyman Omer Littlefield were never married in this life.  This marriage was deleted.

Here I must note that although the marriages above were deleted, the sealings that were done remain intact.  They can be viewed by scrolling down and looking at the temple ordinances.  The proposed opening up of Family Search Family Tree to the general public will not allow viewing of the ordinances by non-members of the church.

Look here for further corrections.  I am in the correcting mood.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Cleaning up the marriages

I logged into Family Search Family Tree today and cleaned up the marriages of Lysander Gee.  The record now shows the correct information according to Lysander's records.  [He was only married to three women] The posthumous sealings were deleted as noted below and Rozelia was removed as a child of Amanda Sagers.

Rozelia Bowley Gee was attached in NFS and Family Tree to the marriage of Lysander Gee and Amanda Sagers.  Since she was in fact the daughter of Lysander and Theresa Bowley Gee this relationship was deleted.

Phoebe Strickland was never married to Lysander Gee.  She was married to John Riggs.  This relationship was deleted.

Patience Bowley was never married to Lysander Gee.  She was married to John Baer.  This relationship was deleted.

Helen Kingsley was never married to Lysander Gee.  As far as can be ascertained she never married.

Anna Bowley was never married to Lysander Gee.  As far as can be ascertained she never married.

I intend to go through the records on Lysander's descendants and clean them up.  Then I will go to the ancestral line. The results will be posted here.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

More Family Tree

Last week my cousin Janet Pollei asked me to give a presentation to the people at her family history library.  As part of my demonstration, I added a link to a photo of Lysander in the record under sources.  Then Una Jean Peterson asked me if his record was complete.  I looked at the record and put together a PDF file which you can find at the following link:

Just click on the link and you will find the information that I put together.  In the next few days I will try and clean up the information. If you have any objections, please let me know.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Family Tree

With New Family Search being phased out and Family Search Family Tree being phased in, I decided to try my hand at looking at my ancestral records in Family Tree and see if I could find anything that needed to be corrected. 

One of the things that I noted right away was the marriage date of Solomon Gee to Deborah Huntley.  Someone had put the date 0808 as the marriage date.  Later there was a dispute on this record mentioning the date 0808 a being impossible since the real date was 1732 and Solomon was born in England in 1698. 

Using the edit features of Family Tree, I was able to remove the erroneous marriage date and now it is correct.  I was also able to remove an unknown spouse that was connected to my great grandfather’s brother.

Since many of my relatives do not have a watch on their ancestors and relatives in New Family Search or Family Search Family Tree, I have decided to document the changes that I make here on my blog.

My first priority is to sync my 18-page list of missing individual ordinances of the descendants of Lysander Gee.  I am half way through the list. 

Thus this may become a journal of corrections to Family Tree.

Friday, October 12, 2012

The Gee to McGee shift

I have been working on the descendants of Lysander Gee and his 21 children synching their records with New Family Search.  Yesterday I came across an individual by the name of Floyd T. Huntington.  He was married to Hazel Gee or Hazel Bates Gee in my record.  She is Listed In the 1910 Census in the household of Floyd G Gee age 23
Also listed in household were:
Father Austin, married, White, age 52, married 30 years, born in Utah, Father born in Ohio and Mother born in U.S.
Mother Phoebe, married, White, age 42, married 30 years, born in Utah, parents born In U.S.
Austin and Phoebe had 8 children and 6 were living at that time.

Floyd G. Gee's Wife Amanda age 23 married 0 years with one living child Born Colorado Parents born in Tennessee

Brother Earl age 19 single born in Idaho
Brother Howard 17 single born in Idaho
Brother Lavery(n) 11 single Born in Idaho
Sister Hazel 9 single Born in Montana
Stepson Ivan Morning, single age 4, Born Colorado, Father born in Illinois, mother born in Colorado

I found Floyd T. Huntington listed in New Family Search married to Hazel Evelyn McGee.  This Hazel was born in Lima, Montana in 1902.  From previous research on this family, I know that Phoebe Gee, Hazel Gee’s mother was living in Lima, Montana at about that time.  This was too much of a coincidence.  I believed Hazel Bates Gee and Hazel Evelyn McGee were the same individual.

I typed into Family Search Record Search the name of Hazel McGee and found her in the 1920 Census living in the household of Francis J. Long and Phoebe Long.  From the marriage records of Idaho we learn the following:
Groom Last Name:             LONG
Groom First Name:             Francis J.
Bride Last Name:                GEE
Bride First Name:                Phoebe
Place:     Mountain Home
Date:      09 Sep 1913
County of Record:               Elmore
State:      Idaho
Volume:                 22
Page:     23

The 1920 Census records lists the following:
Hazel E Mcgee
, Canyon, Idaho
estimated birth year:
relationship to head of household:
Step Daughter
marital status:
father's birthplace:
mother's birthplace:
film number:
digital folder number:
image number:
sheet number:



Hazel E Mcgee

This was the proof that I needed to convince me that Hazel Evelyn McGee was Hazel Bates Gee.

I wrote up a case in my Adventures in New Family Search, which I entitled “The case of the elusive non-member descendant”  I described finding Floyd George Gee, Hazel’s brother and getting an obituary. (See the following link.)

Now I had two names for the same individual each with a different PIB number in New Family Search.  I clicked on possible duplicates, but it would not bring up the other name for Hazel.  Hazel Evelyn McGee did not have any parents listed.  I tried adding her as a child by trying to add a parent (Austin Gee).  This worked, but then left her father Austin with a child with no mother. When I tried to add Phoebe, using Family Tree, the system would not let me do it.  I went to New Family Search and added her to her mother and father as Hazel Evelyn McGee and then combined her with herself (Hazel Bates Gee),  Now the record is straight as you can see from the following link:

I next added some sources to document my conclusions. 

Just scroll down to sources.

I am not sure how these links will work so I have put the above information with screen shots into a PDF file and placed it in my Adventures in New Family Search with this link.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Photos in Family Tree

A week ago last Sunday I presented a Power Point Presentation to our class in Sunday School on Family Tree.  One of the members of the class said that there was no way that you could attach a photo to a record in Family Tree, but that they were working on it.  I said, yes there was, but you had to know how to do it.  I should not have shot the balloon, but I had just done something in Family Tree and knew that photos could be attached, but in a round about way. 

Today I just loaded a photo of Nancy Jane Rawlins Kerr to Find a Grave.  You can find a link here:

This adds a photo to the photo of the grave marker in Find A Grave and I added the link by creating a source in Family Tree.  There are more neat little tricks which I am looking forward to learning.

Stay Tuned.  I just experimented an  found out how to add her photo here.  You will never  know what you can do until you experiment.

Marlow Cemetery

Here is a link to some family photos of the Gee cemetery.

Back again after a pause

Well I am back again meddling in the records, but this time on the Kerr line. As you may or may not know great-great grandfather Robert Marion Kerr had two wives who were cousins; Nancy Jane Rawlins and Margaret Elzirah Rawlins.  They were married three years apart.  In New Family Search and also in Family Search Family Tree there were two children listed in the families of both marriages.  In order to correct this in New Family search, I would have had to submit this to the Data Administrator for correction.  Now in Family Tree I was able to correct this by submitting just an explanation.  I brought up the family and clicked on edit relationships and deleted the relationship of the two boys that did not belong to Nancy Jane Rawlins.  Since both individuals had the same PIN number the relationship to the correct mother was not affected.  I should have taken screen shots to demonstrate how easy this was, but there are more errors to correct and I will remember to document my work.
In my database I only have George McCauslin Kerr and his brother James Harvey Kerr listed as children.  I will have to research the situation.  If this is correct, George and Joseph were twins and both were born and died on the same day.

Elzirah must have died in childbirth, because she died 9 days after the birth of her son James Harvey.

Another mystery to be solved.