Index of Labels

Friday, July 26, 2013

More Additions

This week I have been actively adding information to my Price, Butler, Bailey and More website. Click Here.
Particularly to the Reed Page

I also put some of these documents as Stories on Family Tree. Some of them are in PDF format with photos, so they do not go over to Family Tree unless they are put as a link in Sources, which I have not done.  Perhaps some day that will be accomplished.

I have also added a history of Nancy Jane Rawlins Kerr by her granddaughter Marie Danielson Benson to Family Tree, which you will find at this link.

I merged a duplicate of Nancy Jane Rawlins Kerr and noted that there is another duplicate, but when you click on the name, it comes up Julia Rawlins with some of Nancy Jane's information. I earlier put a discussion on this record as follows:

From the history of the mother Mary Ellen Frost Rawlins we read: Mary Ellen and Joseph Rawlins were the parents of three children; Their oldest daughter, Nancy Jane, was very helpful to her parents. She was married in 1859 to Robert Marion Kerr, and moved to Cache Valley where they became the parents of nine children. She died September 18, 1928, at the age of 83. Helen, who was a baby when her parents left to come west with the pioneers died at the age of thirteen, while her mother was visiting Nancy Jane at the birth of her first child. In the Mormon overland Trail record she is listed as Mary Ellen Rawlins. Further research will be done to document this record, but for the meantime we will stick with the name that is found in a contemporary record. There are probably other contemporary records which will document her name to be Mary Ellen rather than Helen. This history does not document this child [Julia] as a member of the family, The fact that the sealing to parents was done in 1993 further mitigates against the assumption that she was a child of these parents. 

My brother Martell is going to the Gee reunion in Conneaut, Ohio next Saturday.  I printed out a descendancy chart of Solomon Gee [9 generations] with notes for him to take to interested people ther as well as a photo of Zopher Gee junior. 

I have received some documents and photos from Thomas Cray and his cousin.  He is a descendant of Mary (Molly) Gee and her husband Webber Reed. Mary comes through Solomon, Solomon Jr., Leuman, and then Mary.  The family went up to Canada from Marlow, New Hampshire and then down to Iowa where Thomas Cray now lives.

Alice got an e-mail from one of the former members of our ward, who reported that her son-in-law had a Gee connection.  I have written to obtain further clarification. She comes from the Benson family, so I will send her the information about my connection to the Benson family. I wrote this up some time ago and give you a link to the Adventure.

Amber Thomas Galli, Glendon's granddaughter has contacted me and I have given her some information and links to the websites and this blog.

Matthew Marshall, my grandson, has gotten a job in Connecticut and wrote wondering where the Gees lived in Connecticut, I sent him a history of Solomon Gee.

My neighbor is an avid genealogist and wrote me with the following concern.  He has a number of type script histories and wondered how he could put them into Family Tree.  I suggested that he scan them in and then us an Optical Character Recognition software to convert the typescript to text, then edit it in a word processing program.  I use Abby Fine Reader which I got free with my scanner.  I found it on special on the Abby site for $29.99 (about half price).  The professional version is $200+.  I then transfer the blocked transcribed version to Microsoft Word and then look for mistranslations and errors.  I can then use the Word document or print it as a PDF file.  I usually send PDF files to people, because that is the best way to transport across multiple computer platforms.

I have had requests for the Power Point presentation that I did at the Gee family reunion in Heber.  Since I knew all the stories, I did not include them in the slides.  I am in the process of adding those stories, at least a shortened version to the Power Point and then include a link to the document posted in Family Tree Stories.   

And so it goes.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

The Deborah Huntley Dillema

In my last post, I cleaned up my 6th great grandfather Solomon Gee.  When I looked at the record he was married to Hannah Huntley, Deborah Huntley's sister.  This will document what I did to correct that mistake.

Click Here for another Adventure 

There is more work to be done.  I will keep you informed of the progress.

Friday, July 12, 2013

Merging Solomon

Today I was looking to see if any stories had been placed on Solomon Gee’s record in Family Tree.  I found one and added another.  As is my custom, I checked to see if there were any duplicate records.  I found 12 duplicates.  In order to document the PIN numbers of the duplicates and my work, I have taken screen shots of each of the merges. You can find the link on Merging Solomon here. Also you can find the link to the story I placed on Solomon's record Here.  

I am working on more extensive documentation to add which I am taking from Charles E. Benjamin's book.  I will let you know when this occurs. 

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Another Kerr Post

I have been adding Stories and here is another on Arvilla Johnson Heyer 1st Cousin 2 times removed.  She may not be familiar, but she is the daughter of Ella Annette Kerr and granddaughter of Robert Marion Kerr. This history comes from the Kerr family Newsletter.

 I also did some work in correcting the records in Family Tree.  I wrote it up as another Adventure In family Tree  Click Here

I will continue to work on Mary Ellen Frost Rawlins record.  It will take some time.  I hope you will be patient.

Friday, July 5, 2013

A Few Kerr Posts

Here are today's offerings for the Kerr line.


A clipping from the Deseret News

Robert Marion Kerr

You would think I would run out of material, but there is more to come.

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Adding More Stories

I was cleaning out some files and ran into some histories that I had previously entered into digital format from scanning in the original and doing optical character recognition, since I find this easier than typing them in.  Now that we have Family Tree stories, I put them into their records. The source for these stories was the Robert Marion Kerr Family Newsletter.  There were photos in the newsletter, but they were Xerox copies and not true gray scale, so I will wait for someone who has better photos to add them to the records.

Larae Kerr Skeen Fonnesbeck First Cousin Twice removed

Nancy Olive Kerr Harris great Grand Aunt

John Andrew Kerr great Grand Uncle

Robert Marion Kerr great great Grandfather 

William Jasper Kerr  great Grand Uncle

Stay tuned, there may be more to come.

Monday, July 1, 2013

Something New

I wanted to index the posts on my blog.  I noted that my son John had an index on his blog, so I asked him how to do it.  This is the result.  If you click on a name, you will see all the posts that contain information on that name.