Index of Labels

Thursday, October 24, 2013

My experience with documents in Family Tree

My experience with documents in Family Tree

I looked on the blog and found that they had added a Beta or trial to upload PDF files to Family tree.  It is called Documents and can be found on the right if one clicks on photos.

I uploaded a 114 page PDF document of 8 + megabytes and it was a bit slow, but it did upload without a problem.  I linked it with the individual on Family Tree and that seemed to go seamlessly, however when I went to the person on Family Tree, It did not show up.

I had changed a PDF photo of a death certificate that I had previously attached as a photo to show as a document.  Now what I get is the following when I click on documents:

The Death Certificate appears and is attached to Frances Gates record, but the PDF file indicates that the Processing failed.

If one clicks on the Processing Failed the following PDF file appears.
The file is still there, but it appears to be unattached to the record.

I will have to check with support to see what happened.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

A new distant cousin

In my last blog entry I detailed the unexpected discovery of a first spouse for Susan Eliza Gee.  She married a man by the name of Windsor Palmer Lyon and had one child by him before he died.  In the Mormon Pioneer Overland database the child is listed as Charles William Luddington, but his surname was really Lyon.  He married Sarah Eldora Willey and they had three children.  For a descendancy document please see the link to my Adventure in Family Tree in the previous blog.

The descendant that I contacted about this, Jamie Johnson, noted in her e-mail to me that she was traveling from Houston to Salt Lake in October.  Yesterday she and her husband contacted me and came for a brief visit.

 She graciously allowed me to take a photo.  So now I know what another distant cousin looks like.  They served in the Houston temple at the same time when our neighbor William R. Bradford was the temple president.  They later served in the temple presidency. They were on their way to Idaho for a missionary reunion.  He was the mission president there some time ago.