Index of Labels

Friday, February 24, 2017

Old money and Pride

Or the Altgelt and Stoltz families 

These two German families came to America.  They changed the spelling of their names to Stults and Outcalt or various permutations of the original. 
When I was in Germany in1997 to 2000, I started corresponding with their descendants and collecting information on the families. I filed this in my filing cabinet and added to the information from time to time. 

The other day I pulled out the folder and scanned in the documents. Then I started to enter the information into my genealogy program. I also compared this to the records in FamilyTree. 
I have spent most of the last 45 days working on this file.  Although it is not complete or edited, I will put it on my Google Drive and let those who wish to view it have access to it.  The document is 191 pages. 

Sunday, February 5, 2017

A positive outcome from being on Family Search Family Tree

I went to the mailbox January 12th and to my surprise I found the following letter from Germany.

Laurence Gee
263 Edgemont Drive,
Utah, 84054
Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika

A genealogical request
Dear Mr. Gee,
Dresden, den 6. Dezember 2016
we do not know each other, but I stumbled upon your name and address when researching
genealogical facts on my own family. It said online, that you wrote or owned a paper by the title of "Die Nachkommen des Johan Altgelt Statschoeffen zu Siegcn, Axtel Altgelt, Buenos Aires, Argentina" about the descendants of Philip Altgelt from Siegen, Germany.

Since I did not find any other information about that paper online, I decided to just write to you, asking, whether this information was right. And if so, it would be most interesting to me, knowing, if there is any way to acquire that paper for my studies. One branch of my family derives from the marriage of Adam Altgelt with Laura Tornquist, who went to Argentinia. The Altgelt-Family in Germany I am able to trace back until Henne Altgelt from Siegen, Germany, who was born 1404. But it is the stories and little side details,
that I love more than the bare facts. I hoped to find some of those in the named paper.
Is there any information, you can give me on this. I would greatly appreciate it and thank you in advance.
Witll best regards and
freundlichen Grullen,
Kai Lautenschlager

O course I had not hesitation in sending him and e-mail on the 12 January 2017.
Lieber Herr Doktor Lautenschäger,
Ich habe von Ihnen ein brief Heute bekommen.  Ich werde zwei Anhänger zu diese email zuknopfen. Leider ein Teil in English, Deutsch und Spanish.
Bitte mein schlechtes Deutsch verzheihen.  Ich habe nicht in eine lange Zeit mich in dieser Sprache geschrieben.  Ihr English is ganz gut.
Ich habe viel mehr Information.  Höffenlich werden wir uns noch mehr ins Verbindung  in der Zukunft setzen.
Viel Glück im kommenden Jahr.
I can read German and English.  I spent 5 1/2 years in Germany.  The last three years 1997-2000 in the Frankfurt area and have been to Dresden. Our son and his family are at present in Heidelberg.  He is doing research there.
I think I even had a photo of a Tornquist

Attached to this e-mail I gave him my PDF file of the Nachkommen Johannes Altgelt that I posted on Johannes’ record in Family Tree and then 23 pages of the Descendancy of George Tournquist.

He promptly responded.

Dear Dr. Gee,
I was delighted to find your email in my inbox today. Thank you very much for the documents you sent along with it. I will take my time to study them intensively and find out about the connections of both our family trees. At first glance it seems that N° 5Fiii in your list of descendants (Adelaida Casilda Emelina Tornquist) is the meeting point of our family trees and I do have a lot of information on her descendants which are not listed in your documents. She indeed is my Great great great grandmother and was already known to my own grandmother, who is doing research in the 1960s adn 1980s. At the moment I am trying to use the Internet to get more reliable sources and copies of documents to retrospectively find out about the reliability of this information and you can be sure, that I will share that information with you, in case you are interested. I will try to use the next weeks to put together a document of this part of my family tree with the sources I already have and send it to you. 

Just as a little appetiser I can tell you that the granddaughter of the above Adelaida went back to Germany and married a man from Hamburg, with whom she had my great grandmother. And the Diehl-Family mingled again with this branch of the tree.
With best regards and freundlichen Grüßen

I wrote back and sent him 4 more documents in my possession on the Altgelt family and gave him the connection of my family to the Altgelts in America. (If you want the connection just let me know.)

I ask him what kind of a doctor he was and  sent him more information on the Altgelts from my file.

He responded.

I am a physician for psychosomatic medicine and run my practice here in Dresden since 2009. Mainly I am working with behavioral psychotherapy and I am still loving, what I am doing. Seeing that you lived in Montana, it might be interesting, that in 1988/1989 I was an exchange student in Billings, MT with a very dear family. That stay taught me very much and still today I think back quite often. I even utilize it by being able to administer psychotherapy in English language for foreigners here in Dresden.

Attached you will find the link to a booklet (PDF) of the information that I have on the ancestry and descendancy of ADELAIDA Casida Emelina Tornquist so far. It is the status quo of today and lacks some corrections and additions. But rather than work on it obsessively and never finishing it, I send you this version for your information and enjoyment. Whenever I do find more details, I will certainly let you know. And of course I am highly interested in tips, corrections or critical questions you may have as well as additional information that is still lacking in the booklet.

The PDF is 18MB, so I decided to just send a link to my dropbox:

This file printed out 166 pages of genealogy.  It was interesting to note that a number of the individuals had Family Tree Ids.  I wonder if he is a member of the church?

Now I have to enter the data into my Ancestral Quest Altgelt file.