Index of Labels

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Athother notification from Watch

Someone changed the record for Rozelia Gee McGavin, the first child of Lysander Gee and Theresa Bowley Gee. This caused me to look at the record more closely.  I found errors. I submitted the following e-mail to Support at Family search.

Rozelia Gee McGavin Person identifier: K246-DZ4 has 54 combined records.
KL7X-DF2 Record number 52 has no data. Lists no contributor.

K246-DZ4 Rozelia Megairu Record number 1. Contributor: LDS Church membership. This record has the dates of birth and of death of Rozelia Gee.  Where did surname come from? Could it be a misspelling of McGavin?

MG2H-M2D Record number 16 has two names listed Rozelia GEE and Mozelia Bornley Gee Contributor: Family Search.  Is this a misspelling of Rozelia Bowley Gee?

Since the rest of the records are essentially correct and I cannot change the above records, is there any way that Family Search can correct the misinformation?

Ivin Laurence Gee

I received the following from Support:

Dear Brother Gee,

Thank you for contacting FamilySearch with reference to Rozelia GEE (1848-1918) PID K246-DZ4 having combined records which are incorrect.

With reference to combined records "16" and "52". we have removed them.

With reference to record number 1, and all the incorrect names within "Summary", "Details", "Name":-

Rozelia Megairu
Gee Rozelia
Roselia Gee
Roselle Oee
Rozella Gee
Rozilia Gee

we will need to forward it for further review. The evaluator will advise you in due time of the result of the evaluation.

Well something is better than nothing.  We will continue to clean up the records.

1 comment:

  1. I'm always so impressed how you get things done in nfs. I was working in it today, and became totally frustrated and just gave up. It's a mess.
